Digital Ship Manager - Commercial

Digital Ship Manager - Commercial
DSM - Commercial is an End to End system for Owners/Charterers to manage the entire pre/post-fixture part of vessel employment i.e. from vessel delivery to vessel redelivery.
The DSM Commercial Management System manages the Charter Party Hire throughout the lifecycle of a Charter Party from the time the Vessel is delivered to the time the Vessel is Redelivered. This includes management of Hire Statements, Delivery Sheet, Additional Costs, Agreed Off Hire and Charterer Payments. The System also provides a summary view of the whole fleet and Historical Charter Party records. This system can be integrated with your accounting system to pass the information to or from.
User Access

Hire Timeline
The Hire Timeline on the dashboard also gives the leadership team a high level view of all the current and historical Hire in a timeline view.
Delivery Sheet
Delivery Sheet is prepared when the Vessel is delivered and captures all the details of the Charter Party and also the Vessel Delivery.
Hire Statements
Hire Statements are generated automatically at regular intervals (usually every 15 days) based on the terms in the Charter Party.
Final Hire Statements
Final Hire Statements is a complete View of all the Charter Party transactions. This contains all the Hire, Additional Costs, Agreed Offhire and also the payments received from Charterer.
Additional Costs
Additional Costs contains details of all the additional costs during the lifecycle of the CP/Hire. This includes detailed records like Additional Premium Costs, Armed Guard Costs, Stevedore Damage Costs, Hold Cleaning records, Surveyor Costs and any other Miscellaneous Cost records.
Agreed OffHire
This contains all the Agreed OffHire records. The system keeps detailed records of the OffHire times, OffHire Hire Costs, C/V/E OffHire and Cost of Bunkers during OffHire.
Charterer Payments
All the records of the payments received from the Charterers are available here. The user can also upload any documents for received payments.
Hire History
Hire History contains all the Historical Hire records. This contains the Delivery sheet, Hire Statements, Additional Costs, Agreed OffHire and Charterer Payments details of all the Historical Charter Parties.
Vessel Management
Vessel management contains records of all the vessels including Hull, Hatch & Hold Dimensions, Capacity, Speed & Consumption and Cargo Handling Information. You can also send the Vessel information of the open ships to Charterers or Brokers for a future potential Hire.